TEMSCO Changes EMS Education.
Developed by paramedics.
The Problem
State, National and Local recertifications do not require hands-on skills refreshment
This puts pressure on already overly-burdened ambulance companies to provide this non-required training
Well-meaning employees tasked with providing hands-on training are asking prehospital clinicians to attend trainings…unpaid.
That last bit means nobody wants to show up to your training. Yeah, YOU.
The Solution
Well, that’s what we are working on. But we’ve got a good thing going. Keep scrolling.
Mission statement.
Training must be…
compressed Condensed to reduce time spent
convenient, and interrupt Compliment the general workday
equally relevant to ALS and BLS providers
When able, utilize high-fidelity mannequins/simulators
inexpensive, if not totally free
“One for the road” Series
Cayuga Medical Center
TEMSCO Clinicians took over the decon room across from the Munchies — I mean, EMS room — and offered a “Pit Stop” training on SALAD Airway Management for BLS/ALS providers as they made their stretchers returning into service.
Clinicians were told nothing of this prior to beginning their day, and responded very well to our offer to play with “Harry” for a few minutes…while we helped make the stretcher to reduce turnaround time.
Our first pilot of this training method across 3 days (12 hours total):
41 OOH clinicians participated (out of 44; 3 had pending calls)
3 In Hospital Clinicians participated
30 ETI w/without emesis, 13 iGEls
Both EMTs and ALS providers invited to perform ETI
287 total minutes of instruction (avg. 7 minutes/clinician)
Calls dropped: 0
Our goal for 2024 is to expand offerings and dates offered, as well as perform trainings in satellite locations across Tompkins County. Learn more & contact @ www.temsco.org